21 September 2023:
Added query search and result fields in queries for ARRL EC001 and EC016 courses as suggested by W6RHK.
11 April 2023:
Changed the old ARECC field to the current ARES Training. All entries were zeroed out; please modify your record and enter your current ARES Training level (or ask your members to do so..).
19 May 2022:
A web server misconfiguration had the site defaulting to insecure http unless you explicity went to https:. That's been fixed; going to http://aresdb.com or http://www.aresdb.com should automatically take you to the https: equivalent. Thanks to W6BFK for calling my attention to it.
20 July 2021:
Thanks to West Riverside, CA ARES for their generous donation to the site! Much appreciated. - de AB2M
16 March 2019:
We have moved to a paid SMS service and restored SMS functionality. If you would care to donate to server and SMS fees, you can do so here with my thanks.
28 November 2018:
Well, the day has finally come. This service has been free for the past 17 years, but the loss of the free SMS account we'd been extended has forced me to make a hard choice - drop SMS support (which shut down on 31 October), accept donations, or charge outright for SMS messages. I'd prefer to go with donations. If SMS is something you desire to have available and you'd be willing to kick in some spare change to keep that capability (and maybe offset server costs a bit), please email me and let me know. If there is a positive response, I'll set up something to accept donations. Otherwise, I'll probably just permanenty deprecate SMS support as it could get pretty costly with multiple ARES groups alerting their members to an emergency.
09 September 2016:
Added fields for ICS 300/400 and the DHS AuxComm training.
30 March 2016:
The site has been unstable lately, so I decided to move it to a new server platform. As there were some PHP and MySQL upgrades, the chances for bugs exists. Let me know if you encounter any problems.
28 July 2015:
Some changes were made to augment the security of the site, including a new password reset option. As these were extensive changes, please let me know if you come across anything that I broke. :)
4 February 2015:
Extended the length of the address field to 40 characters by request.
Migrated to a new server for enhanced security and speed.
15 September 2014:
Wow, has it really been 4 years?
Added EC-001 and EC-016 courses - so go update your record!
Added the ability to send text messages natively. The "SMS Email" field was removed. If you don't have a mobile number entered, now's the time.
Changed the outgoing email server to help prevent mail being flagged as spam.
NOTE: If you use Mindspring for email, ALL email from this server will likely be blocked since their anti-spam requires human intervention, which
it most assuredly will not get. I recommend you go to GMail or something else with better spam protection.
6 December 2010:
The driver's license field was re-added, also squished a bug or two.
The new hosting seems to be working out quite well, do you agree?
16 October 2010:
The site suffered a massive hardware failure after I returned from Iraq but before I could get a current backup. So, unfortunately, we had to restore the database from before I left - meaning from 18 May 2009. Some programming work was lost as well, I will be working to re-implement that ASAP. I apologize for the inconvenience and the time to repair the issue, but I have taken a few steps to prevent a recurrance:
1. The site is no longer hosted on my own server in my home; it is now hosted at Rackspace, so it is fully backed up, more resiliant, etc.
2. Backups are taken offsite periodically.
1. The Driver's License field that was added some months ago is not yet re-added.
If you see anything else broken, missing, etc, please let me know: joe@tomasone.com.
73 de AB2M
1 September 2008:
Lots of new query stuff behind the scenes.
Fixed some bugs related to Staff regisitrations.
FINALLY implemented a callsign change mechanism! If you want to change your callsign, modify your record and click on the link next to your callsign.
29 August 2008:
Added search options: You can now elect to filter results by requiring any combination of the following:
- Four Wheel Drive vehicle
- A given level of ARECC course completed
- ICS 100, 200, 700, or 800
- Stated deplyable limits (locally, regionally, nationwide, etc)
Lets be safe out there during this tropical season.. And to all my fellow Gulf neighbors - here's hoping that Gustav goes somewhere else.
21 June 2008:
New feature: For those who live in more than one area (and are therefore registered with groups in more than one ARRL section),
you can now register in other sections as your secondary and tertiary choices. (I live in Florida, how did I forget snowbirds?!). The choices are now
listed by ARRL section and have the section name. Thanks to Ron, WD4AHZ for pointing it out.
Bug Fix: Administrators can now send email to everyone in their organization through an organization query.
I still have not implemented a callsign change mechanism yet. For the time being, if your callsign changes, email me.
25 April, 2008:
I want to address a question that has come up regarding this database versus the ARRL's database.
Essentially, the major difference comes down to this: The ARRL database is for emergencies only, and will consist of only those ARES members who are
willing to travel out of the area during an activation and that have been approved by their SM or designee -- at least, that's how I have heard it.
This database, on the other hand, is open to all members of any Amateur Radio based group - ARES, RACES, ACS, and Skywarn primarily, although there's
no reason why SATERN or other groups couldn't use it. Additionally, this database can be used for general membership management, emergency use, or
I encourage any Amateur emergency communications related group to make use of this database if they see fit. Suggestions and comments, as always, are
30 August, 2007: Working on a way to change your callsign when you, well, change your callsign. :)